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RedTalks Women’s Health Week

Infographic Design, 2020

RedTalks is a Malaysian-based youth-led organisation trailblazing the way to normalise periods, advance sex education, spark conversations, and provide a safe space for all to do so.

I had the opportunity to volunteer as a guest content creator for the team from February to November of 2019, and worked with the team once more for the 2020 Women’s Health Week. Researching and creating most of the designs was incredibly interesting and meaningful as it is a cause close to my heart. 

The cover art to announce our week-long Women’s Health Week event. 
Post 1/5: Women and COVID-19 (Pt. 1)
With all that was happening in the world at that time, we thought it would be useful and apt to include a segment mentioning how women and girls have been affected by the pandemic. 
Post 2/5: Women and COVID-19 (Pt. 2)
A follow-up on the last post about the effects of COVID-19, the second post includes information on how we as a society can recover and aid the women affected. 
Post 3/5: Women and Pregnancy
Though pregnancy is a common topic this post reiterates important aspects of the decision to raise a child. 
*Research and original design concept for this post was done by Charmaine Cheong, Founder of RedTalks. Find her here
Post 4/5: Women and the Health Bias (Pt. 1)
Though women make up a significant portion of the Earth’s population, their health is often taken less seriously. Chronic pains and conditions are ignored. Is the pain bias real? 
Post 5/5: Women and the Health Bias (Pt. 2)
The second post regarding gender health biases include information on how to talk to a doctor that may be underestimating an illness as well as symptoms that should never be ignored. 

aeslinn noel

Aeslinn Noel is an artist and writer from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Her work is mostly aimed at simplifying complex topics into digestible information. When she's not writing or illustrating, you can find her with a beverage in one hand and a book in the other!
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    Aeslinn Noel 2023